The cult of the work: how to survive if you are a workaholic? Part 1

Diligently work hard and strive for the heights - the wonderful habit. But they can turn into a nightmare. We absorb the cult of work, and we notice it only when it's time to go to the hospital. About how this happens, described in detail blogger Jason Lengstorf that because of the work nearly lost his beard.

Who would have thought that everything will end well? The nightmare crept unnoticed.

Everything started so well. You earned what he likes - a dream job. You create something, rather than pants sit. You would not just receive a salary, and to leave a trace in history. At first, you just loved his job. It was difficult and proceeded in a rapid pace. All around were crazy and clever. In your free time you organized a brainstorming session. They came to work on the weekends. And do not feel tired, because what kind of work! It is a way of life. Check out our roulette chat!

You plowed more than 40 hours a week, but who's counting? It was great.

However, the week took shape in a few months. And that's what it was all over: you're working 60 hours a week or more. And when the red-greet colleagues, exchanging jokes on duty about the need for coffee to survive. Work is still cool, but the old fuse gone. Days rush past, and you do not understand how it happened. You do not even remember what happened. Life outside of work stopped. You may want to try and cook a real cheesecake at home, but you do not have time to run for the ingredients. Of course, it is necessary to go to the gym, but all the time that something happens and you miss a workout. We cannot say that you are unhappy. But something is wrong. It is difficult to say what it was. Just think what could be better. If you bored and need something special, you can visit our cam free chat room.

You sucked by routine

You are lost to society. You absorbed the cult of work. Followers of this murderous cult believe that working more than 60 hours a week - this is a necessary condition for success. More than that, it's an honor. Intrigue of the cult is that it uses your best qualities: dedication, ambition, the ability to bring the case to the end, responsibility. Remote Control says that you need to perform better to remain in place longer, sleep only when we die from exhaustion. The cult says that you cannot succeed in life if you do not come to work the first and not the last to leave. Cleverly and cruel cult of confusing us with our own achievements. And if you do not come out of this sect, we are doomed.

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