Infidelity is a natural tendency?

It strikes me that what concerns all the issues relating to love or relationships. Needless to say, when the word "infidelity" is named, the hairs of many people are erected, at some point that word or tendency has passed through our heads. Learn more with our free chatroulette blog.

If we talk about infidelity, a good start would be to define the term. It must be said that each person has a different conception, for Psychoanalysis infidelity is necessary to be able to relate. If we were at the origin, our first relationship was with our mother, in order to be able to relate also to our father we had to be unfaithful to her. If we were faithful we could not have more than one relationship. In this sense, to be unfaithful it is not necessary to perform the sexual act with another person other than our partner. In fact, people cannot be faithful because no one is anyone's. One is faithful to his word, yielding to it ends up making us give in to things, and that is what gives us a great feeling of guilt. Contrary to what we usually think, we must say that the natural tendency is to be unfaithful; it is true that we are getting used to a degree of fidelity out of respect, social convention, out of love or not get into trouble. The natural tendency of the human being is to change partners, work and family every day. To stay with the same you have to make an effort. If you are want to talk with stranger – try our chat with strangers.

To be unfaithful, mere thought a look

We already know that to generate jealousy in another person is enough to realize that there are other people in the world; words are what actually generate jealousy. Those jealousy that we think are consequences of the provocation of our partner, are those that, in many cases, cause infidelity. All day talking about fantasies (you looked at this or that), that one ends up provoking desires in the other person. On the other hand, many couples are vigilant all day, waiting to see some data that confirms their suspicions. It seems as if the other person more than our love, was a possession. This type of behavior can lead to serious situations of abuse. If we do not change our way of conceiving relationships, we will never reach love.

It is very common to think that men are more unfaithful than women.

But this is still an idea that corresponds to the social prejudices that continue to exist. Historically, man has been allowed a double sexual morality, which has not been allowed to the woman. In that sense, he has had more freedom to deploy his desires, not only sexual, while the woman has not been allowed to think about their sexuality or their ambitions. As I said before, we are all or can be unfaithful. Both man and woman have desires. It is clear that it is one thing to be unfaithful in thought and another to go to bed with another person. This fact is hard to tolerate for many, but it is not good to generalize, because infidelity is something different for everyone. There are people who tolerate sexual relations with other people, but they do not tolerate other types of behavior. You have to be careful, to care for the couple I cannot do just what bothers you.

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